[Brave Halfling] Delving Deeper 1 – Optional Human Classes

Es wurde schon lange gefordert – jetzt sind die ersten Teile der Delving Deeper-Serie von BHP auch endlich in Print-Fassung erhältlich.

Die Teile werden wieder im schicken A5-Format produziert und können direkt auf der Seite von BHP bestellt werden.

Auf 20 Seiten gibt es Vorschläge wie folgende Klassen im Labyrinth Lord-System umgesetzt werden können:

– Bard
– Monk
– Paladin
– Ranger
– Thief-Acrobat

Ich durfte die einzelnen Klassen schon testlesen und testspielen und sie haben mir alle gut gefallen, und das sage ich, obwohl ich Barden sonst rein gar nichts abgewinnen kann. In meinen Augen ist der Mönch das Highlight, eine sehr mächtige Klasse, die aber durch viele Nachteile irgendwie auf dem Boden gehalten wird.

Zum Preis muss ich wohl nichts sagen. Ihr bezahlt $9.95, also etwas über sechsfuffzich INKLUSIVE PORTO und ihr bekommt ZUSÄTZLICH ZUR PRINTFASSUNG einen Link, auf dem ihr euch die PDF-Datei kostenlos herunterladen könnt. Wenn das nicht value-for-money ist, dann weiß ich es auch nicht mehr!

Meine Empfehlung lautet wie immer: KAUFEN! KAUFEN!! KAUFEN!!!

Brain & Dice 2009 – ATTACKE!!!!

Noch drei Tage, dann wird die Herr der Labyrinthe-Welle nach Heidelberg schwappen und ich freue mich schon drauf wie ein Schnitzel!

Ich werde zwar nur am Samstag vor Ort sein, aber mit Horst vom Koblenzer Blutschwerter-Stammtisch ist es ohnehin immer lustig und außerdem haben sich viele „Forenbekanntschaften“ angesagt, auf die ich mich auch schon freue. Richtig klasse wäre aus auch, wenn Dominik aus dem tiefen Süden zu uns stieße, mein tapferer Editor sämtlicher Schriften, die ich auf die Menschheit losgelassen habe – ich lasse mich überraschen!

Was steht vom Programm her an? Ich vertrete den Mantikore-Verlag und habe exklusiv Band 2 des EINSAMEN WOLFES: FEUER ÜBER DEN WASSERN im Gepäck – zusätzlich noch einige Labyrinth Lord-Artikel, die ich noch aus irgendwelchen staubigen Ecken meines Arbeitszimmers gekramt habe.

Weiterer offizieller Punkt sind eine oder zwei Demorunden meines neuesten (noch unveröffentlichten) Herr der Labyrinthe-Abenteuers: „Der Tempel der Koa-Tau“. Mal sehen ob und wie sich die Zeit ergibt und ob es überhaupt genügend Interessenten gibt.

Nebenher werde ich wohl einfach am Stand umhersitzen und mit allen, die kurz stehen bleiben, dummes Zeug quatschen – es sollte halt jeder das machen, was er am besten kann… Vielleicht kann ich bis dahin sogar Handfestes von den Verhandlungen zwischen Nic von Mantikore und Dan von Goblinoid Games berichten, die um die deutschen Rechte von Lab Lord feilschen.

Ich schließe mit den Worten eines berühmten deutschen Boxers: „Dett wird ne Wolke!“

[Interview] Jeff Grubb – Part 2 – Religion, Pathfinder, 4E and all the Rest…

Aaaaah! I found another „revealing“ foto on his blog Grubbstreet.

In our first installment we learned a few interesting things about Jeff’s time at TSR – now on to present and future:

Part 2 – Religion, Pathfinder, 4E and all the Rest…

9. I know that you’re interested in the history of Christianity. Have these roots ever played a role in games or settings you have designed in the past?
– One’s ethos always influences one’s work, whether one is supporting them or working against them. I would self-identify as Christian, and if pressed would list my religion as “suburban Presbyterian” – one of those sub-branches of Protestantism that believes you will be admitted to the kingdom of heaven if you bring a covered dish to pass.
– But more to the point – the gods of Dragonlance come out of my personal campaign. They in turn, were named in part after figures and words from the Bible. Gilean the book was originally Gilead (as in no balm in Gilead). So Mishakal descended from the flaming hand that wrote, and having written moved on.
– Here’s another one, from Al-Qadim – the three types of Cleric kit had Protestant origins. Moralist, Ethoist, and Pragmatist translate as Baptist, Presbyterian/Methodist and Unitarian. It allowed me to have one Pantheon (as close to monotheism as we would get) while providing three divergent views of it.

10. Which changes did the change from TSR to WotC bring for you personally?
– It got me to Seattle. More seriously, I had left TSR by the time the worst of the financial troubles had hit, but remained close to the rest of the staff (I was still living in Lake Geneva). After TSR moved out to Seattle, it got kind of lonely in the area, so a reapplied to work at WotC and Bill Slavicsek (With Peter Adkison’s approval) brought me out, for which I remain eternally grateful.

11. What can you tell me about your work with Sovereign Press?
– Margaret Weis is one of the hardest-working writers and nicest persons in the business, and has always been extremely supportive of other writers and creatives. When I was freelance, I worked for one of Margaret’s earlier companies – MagForce 7.
– My contribution for to Sovereign Press was primarily supportive in nature – rulesbashing, concepting, and early playtesting. Larry Elmore and I spent a convention talking about his idea for an original fantasy world that became Sovereign Stone (a conversation that ended in a car accident, by the way). We had playtested the original SS rules with barfights (in which we created the idea of the “Flaming Lembek”). I was more support staff and sounding board than leading creative, but remain delighted to see how things turned out.

12. Which parts of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting have you worked on? How can you describe the collaboration with the guys at Paizo?
– My contributions to Pathfinder have been small things – the Linnorm Kings, Mammoth Lords, and the Chelliax in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, and an article on the Drow for a recent series. My sense of humor can be found in my description of Chellaxian opera. Yep, I’m the one you blame for that.
– Collaboration is Fun. The Paizo team have definite ideas of what they want in each part of the process, but are very accommodating to new ideas and concepts. This is their world, and they want to make sure that everything fits.

13. Can we hope for a Jeff Grubb Pathfinder module, an Adventure Path or other contributions o the Pathfinder universe?
– Anything in the future would be short. We had been discussing a longer project, but I had to drop out because of other conflicts. My fault, not theirs.

14. In your career you have worked on various settings like Spelljammer, Mystara, Al-Qadim, Dragonlance… Can you compare those to Golarion? Are there differences, similarities…?
– Actually of all the worlds, Golarion reminds me most of the Realms, in that it is a broad tapestry that supports and interlocks many different game and cultural styles. While the Realms evolved into its present state (which is why Ed ended up with a number of Arabian-style cultures in the campaign, as his work kept expanding), Golarion shows a lot more planning and thought about larger arcs and storylines

15. What do you think of the newest incarnation of the world’s most popular RPG, D&D 4E?
– I was a playtester on 4E, and my regular Thursday night group is made up of WotC Illuminati. I like the new system, and see a lot of parts that are more elegant and engaging.
– Now, I also like the previous editions as well. I see game design as a conversation, the evolution of the design as a continuing of that conversation. 4E does not exist in a vacuum, but rather has grown up in a very different world than previous editions. The original game shows its miniatures game roots, the 2nd edition was heavily influenced by an expanding bookstore market, and the 4th edition shows influence from miniatures, card games, and computer games.

16. What do you think? How will D&D and Pathfinder evolve?
– D&D will stress more roleplaying in the future. I think part of the concern about the heavy mechanics of 4E is in part because there were a lot of new rules, in particular rules that were based on different assumptions than previous editions. That’s a lot of data to throw into the buffer all at once. As people come to terms with the new concepts and start modifying them on their own, we will see more space free up for roleplaying.
– Pathfinder? I can’t tell you, since I haven’t gotten a copy of the new rules yet. Hey, I’ve been busy.

17. If WotC did new versions of Al-Qadim and Spelljammer would you be willing to contribute?
– I would be flattered to be asked, but I’ve pretty much said what I have to say on those subjects the first time around. I did a short adventure for Open Design’s Six Arabian Nights, and could be convinced to do another, but I laid out “my” dream Arabian Campaign, and I am pleased with the result. I’d rather see what other people do with it.
– For example, Andy Collins did a revision of Spelljammer for d20 – Shadow of the Spider Moon, which I thought was very nice, taking the cool stuff from SJ and putting it into 3E.

18. Have you heard of the clone games like OSRIC, Labyrinth Lord or Swords & Wizardry? Why do people return to the stone age of role playing games?
– You never forget your first love. You always remember your first cleric, your first 10 by 10 room, your first TPK. I still get all nostalgic about the original three little books in their wood-grained box, though I know we had to do a lot of house-rulings at the time.
– A lot of people got into D&D in the late seventies, when the game consisted of the AD&D Monster Manual and the officially unconnected but still-used D&D Red Box. I think that’s part of it the attraction to this “golden age”.
– But another part is a desire for a simpler system, and the early D&D was simpler (it also didn’t cover a lot of stuff that l
ater editions covered). Looking back, a lot of early RPG design in late seventies was “How I would fix D&D”. I think the Old School Renaissance goes back to those roots. The good old days, but better.

19. Do you know the fanzine “Fight on!”?
– Have heard of it, but haven’t read it. It just showed up on my radar when someone mentioned it covered Empire of the Petal Throne, which is one of the GREAT early RPGs.

20. Over here in Germany we have never heard of the “Alliterates”. Please tell me more of this group of people?
– The Alliterates are a writers’ group, originally based in Lake Geneva and founded by editor and author J. Robert King. It was originally founded as a reason for writers to get together, drink, smoke cigars, talk about writing, and complain about their editors. Several of the current members are ex-smokers, so we don’t do cigars anymore.
– All of the original members were a) local, and b) current or former members of TSR, and had work published by TSR, so we all come from the same general shared-world background. That’s no longer as true as it once was, but the majority of us all have “TSR/WotC stories”.
– The original group still meets near Lake Geneva, and though the bar they meet in has moved, the new space has kept sufficient room so they can meet. A number of us expats ended up in Seattle, and Dave Gross put together the West Coast version of the team (before taking off for Canada). So both groups meet once a month.
– The Alliterates Website is here – http://alliterates.com/ – and our alumni include Rob, Dave, Star Wars Author Troy Denning, Guild Wars author Matt Forbeck, Cartoonist Stan! Brown, Editor Wolfgang Baur, and horror writer Lorelei Shannon.

21. Your blog http://grubbstreet.blogspot.com/ is the “Methhusalem of blogging” – is there a recipe for success – as most blogs wither away after only weeks or months?
– I kept a journal for many years, so I use the blog as a warm-up for writing. It also allows me to get things out of my mind so I can go onto more important matters. I rarely talk about what I’m working on, or drop any secrets, or grouse about co-workers or employers (you have to buy me a beer for that and turn off all electronic devices).
– I also blog because it saves my Lovely Bride the pain of listening to me tell the same story over and over again.
– I think of blogging as totally for me. I don’t track numbers, and don’t even know if there IS a anyone out there reading. It is very low-key, and skitters all over the joint. I have a lot of interests just beyond my day job, and this indulges them.

22. Are you still working in the RPG industry or have you moved to computer game design like many of your former colleagues like Lawrence Schick or others?
– My day job is working for ArenaNet on the upcoming Guild Wars 2 project. My official title is Game Designer, but my responsibilities including world-building, continuity, and cinematic scripts. This is the current “big thing” in my life.
– I also do a lot of small things – the occasional short story, essay, or game article. I work with Wolfgang Baur at Kobold Quarterly as a consulting editor. Given the nature of day job, I find that it is easier to do small things than larger project.
– Have said that, I am working on a novel at the moment, title yet to be determined. Stay tuned.


[Interview] Jeff Grubb – Part 1 – The TSR years

I „met“ Jeff via facebook and after a brief chat he was willing to answer some questions – here they are:

(I hope it was okay to steal the pic from Jeff’s blog.)

@deutsche Fassung: Ja, die kommt, wenn ich die beiden Teile der englischen Fassung fertig habe und etwas Zeit zum Übersetzen hatte…)


1. While working for TSR – which other authors and designers were your closest contacts? Are you still in contact with any of the guys from his part of your career?
– TSR was based Lake Geneva, a small resort town just north of the Illinois/Wisconsin border, smack dab in the middle of miles of farmland. So ALL of the designer and editors were pretty close, given that we were the closest thing to a counterculture there. Steven Schend was my next door neighbor, Warren Spector lived down the street, Margaret Weis lived in a converted barn in a nearby town, Monte and Sue Cook lived in a renovated church about three blocks away, and Bruce Cordell lived in their basement (that sounds worse than it was – it was a very NICE basement).
– That said, there was a time when the designers were brought down to five – Bruce Nesmith, Tracy Hickman, Doug Niles, Zeb Cook, and myself. We were the core designers at that point, and I’ve always felt close to them, Tracy in particular.
– Still talk to many of the old gang – the Internet helps greatly. I’d add to that list Ed Greenwood, who never was part of the Lake Geneva Gaming Mafia, but remains a close friend.

2. How influential would you rate your work on the Forgotten Realms? Did you work hand in hand with Ed Greenwood or did you just work with his creation? Does he really resemble Elminster?
– I always say that Ed is the architect of the Realms, I’m just the engineer. The Realms are first and foremost his creation, and predate D&D itself. My role was to translate his work into a usable and playable setting for games and books. He’s the superhero, I’m the sidekick.
– By the same token, I was the smart alec who suggested we talk to Ed about Faerun in the first place, so you can blame me for it as well.
– I worked extensively with Ed in the early days of the Realms. Ed would send these heavily-shrink-wrapped manuscript pages, which I would edit and feed into our master files. We had frequent phone calls (he lives in Canada) to coordinate as the Realms evolved (these were in pre-Internet days). The era I am most proud of goes from the original grey box to the publication of the Forgotten Realms Adventure hardback, and most reflects that cooperation.
– Ed does resemble Elminster, the moreso since his hair has grown silver. His favorite character in the Realms, however, remains Mirt.

3. How does one have the absolutely crazy idea for a setting like „Spelljammer“?
– At a bar, of course. Spelljammer (and the DL project “Time of the Dragons”) came out of a brainstorming session at Augie’s, a restaurant in Lake Geneva (the waitstaff, overhearing our conversation, thought we were from Hollywood, and that Warren Spector was Steven Spielberg). It started with an image – a knight in full armor standing on the deck of a ship in space. That became the cover, and the rest is hysteria.
– We really wanted to push the envelope on what was “traditional fantasy”, which was a common criticism of TSR’s work. So when it came to doing the ships, I gave the artist, Jim Holloway a free hand in initial ship designs. Then Dave S LaForce (Diesel) and I would figure out what the deck plans would be like. We liked all of Jim’s Beholder ships, so we ended up using them all.
– Of course, I discovered after publication that all we did was expand the definition of “traditional fantasy”. Apparently anything that TSR did was considered “traditional” since we defined what fantasy adventure was for that era.

4. I can’t imagine writing a novel with my wife. You did so – and quite successfully. Were there constant fights? How did it work?
– I really enjoyed working with Kate on our six novels. Originally, I had planned on writing Azure Bonds on my own, but started to explain the plot to Kate on a drive to nearby Milwaukee. By the time I reached Milwaukee, I had gained a co-writer and one of the original characters had changed gender (something that happens in a lot of my work – a character we originally think of as male become female – Ashnod, Varesh Ossa, Kormir, and Jora were all originally slotted as being male characters).
– Our working arrangement helped a lot. We would hammer out the initial plot between the two of us, a very tight plot, broken down into chapters. I would handle the initial draft, since I wrote more quickly of the two. Kate would be lead on the final turnover, and we would both handle requested revisions.
– When we were plotting, we would go to new restaurants to discuss the book, so that if we got into an argument, we would simply never go back to that restaurant again. That did not happen, but again, a lot of waitstaff got all sorts of strange ideas who we were.

5. You novel „Lord Toede“ has a rather strange main character and some really funny moments surprise the reader who thinks he’s reading the typical Dragonlance novel of the era. Why was there only one novel? I’d have thought it’s material for a series or at least a trilogy.
– I had created Lord Toede back in the day as a minor villain that I expected to show up once in the DL series and never be seen again. TSR editor Pat McGilligan, encouraged by Margaret Weis, called me and asked if I was interested in writing a novel based on him. I checked up on what we had done with him since the first book and I called Pat back.

“He’s dead” I said.
“Dead?” said Pat.
“You killed him in a short story about two years ago.” I said.

There was a pause, and Pat said, “Can you work with that?”

So I worked with that, and ended up creating a book that was two parts Blackadder and two parts Road Runner cartoon. While DL has always had a humorous component (Gully Dwarves, Gnomes), this was the first “funny” Dragonlance novel.
– Every so often there is interest in a new Toede novel, and I keep a pitch in my back pocket if WotC is interested. But there is always a major project on my end or a reorg on their end that derails it and it never happens.

6. Judging by your work on the Marvel Super Heroes system and the AD&D comics, I imagine you read a lot of comics in your spare time. Are there any authors or illustrators that have inspired you?
– I read comics as a kid, dropped out, then dropped back in when I was in college with Marvel titles like the Star Wars adaptations and Howard the Duck. So the influences from that era were Roger Stern, John Byrne, and Chris Clairemont (this was just when the entire X-Men engine was just getting started). And I loved Roy Thomas’s way of handling continuity in an expanding creative universe.
– That said, I also discovered at that time the “ground-levels” – Elfquest (Wendy and Richard Pini) and Cerebus (Dave Sim and Gerhard). I remain impressed that, for a self-declared misogynist, Sim created some of the best, most well-rounded female characters in comics.
– These days, I would send
everyone to Girl Genius by Phil and Kaja Foglio. Go read this.

7. How about writing an unofficial sequel to „Maze of the Riddling Minotaur“, my favorite D&D -module? An adventure with a Hellenistic background might be a huge success nowadays.
– “Maze” was one of my first published game projects, the other being “Burned Bush Wells” for Boot Hill. It was a magic-marker module (a yellow pen reveals hidden text), so it not often seen anymore (the markers dried out).
– Were I to do a Hellenistic module, I would probably connect the Greek city states with the Dwarves, and in talking to Wolf Baur over at Open Design, he’s picked up some of this for his recent Dwarf projects.

8. While working on the Planescape setting did you draw on ideas that were left out in the Manual of Planes or were these treated as totally different projects with different backgrounds?
– I wrote the original MotP, which other writers (Zeb and Monte) expanded into a full and independent campaign setting. They used the planar arrangement as a base, the built out from there. I had put the big spike in the middle of the Concordant Opposition, Zeb put the city of Sigil on top of it. Planescape used a lot of cool stuff already established (Modrons, layers, the Great Wheel, gates) and added a lot more cool stuff on top of it (Gate Towns, the Blood Wars, the Modron march, the “philosophers with clubs”).


Ich habe gestern abend mal begonnen in den ersten Roman der MAGIRA-Reihe hineinzuschmökern und muss sagen: „Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…“
Es scheint mir fast so, als sei Hugh Walker mir recht ähnlich, denn er ist wohl in der Lage ein interessantes Setting zu erschaffen, in Literaturform liest sich das Ganze allerdings etwas überfordert.

Für-Clickfaule, die nicht den oben angegebenen Link verwenden wollen, sei erklärt:
In der Neuauflage sind 4 Bände erschienen:

  1. Die Welt des Spielers
  2. Die Macht der Finsternis
  3. Die Stadt der Götter
  4. Die Ufer der Wirklichkeit

Ich habe mir die Teile der Serie gekauft, um etwas in der deutschsprachigen Rollenspielhistorie zu stöbern. Schließlich spielte die ursprüngliche Fassung des ersten deutschen Rollenspiels „Midgard“ im Magira-Setting, welches seit 1966 existiert.

Nur als kleiner Tipp: Die Bände bekommt ihr alle als Gebrauchtbücher bei Amazon für 0,01 Euro (plus die klassischen 3 Euro Porto).

Lohnt es sich also weiterzulesen, oder soll ich es direkt nach 30 Seiten drangeben und die Zeit mit Nützlicherem verbringen?

Herr der Labyrinthe – Deutsches Forum

Ich werde heute im Laufe des Tages immer mal wieder daran arbeiten aus dem alten Forum von BRAVE HALFLING PUBLISHING (jetzt hier zu finden) ein neues FORUM für die deutschen Fans von HERR DER LABYRINTHE zu basteln.

Sowohl die Oberfläche, als auch der Link werden sich in Kütze ändern, ich halte euch dann auf dem Laufenden. Im Moment ist noch alles im Fluss, aber ich finde es schade, wenn ein so tolles Forum brach liegt – also nutzen wir es doch einfach weiter – mit neuer Funktion.

Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen euch anzumelden (wenn ihr nicht schon angemeldet seid) und an der Spitze der Welle mitzuschwimmen. Mach es euch bequem und fühlt euch wie zu Hause!

… so! Jetzt muss ich erstmal in die Hundeschule – danach geht es weiter mit der Renovierung!

[Brave Halfling] Interview mit John Adams

Absolute Hörempfehlung! Die Jungs von Dragon’s Landing In haben John Adams, den Chef von Brave Halfling Publishing für ihren Pod interviewed – die Datei ist zwar monströs groß, der Download lohnt sich aber absolut – ab Minute 42 versprüht der kleine amerikanische Prediger seinen Charme und erzählt von seinem kleinen Verlag, der „Old School Renaissance“ – (wobei er „OS Revival“ bevorzugt, da er ersteres nicht schreiben kann).

Scheint ein rundum netter Kerl zu sein…

Ein weiteres Audio-Interview hat Dan Proctor gegeben, der Mensch, dem wir Labyrinth Lord verdanken! Da sich Labyrinth Lord schon seit etwa einer Woche in den Top 10 der RPGNow-Charts hält, hielten die RPGNow-Macher es für angesagt, ihn zu interviewen. Hier könnt ihr den Pod runterladen – Dans Interview beginnt bei etwa 9:10 Minuten.

EW 2 – Feuer über den Wassern

Herrschaftszeiten! Da komme ich um 16:30 nichtsahnend und geschafft aus der Schule – da stehen doch glatt zwei zentnerschwere Pakete vor der Tür!
Ich habe schnell ein paar Endorphine und eine amtliche Menge Adrenalin ausgeschüttet, da ich mir gar keiner Schuld bewusst war etwas so Großes bestellt zu haben – das muss ja auch schweine teuer sein. Wie soll ich das bloß meiner Frau erklären, die hat die Pakete sicher auch schon gesehen!

Nach Öffnen der Pakete konnte ich wieder etwas beruhigter durchatmen, denn ich hatte nichts bestellt – es sind lediglich (ich würde schätzen) 100 Exemplare des neuen EINSAMEN WOLFES – FEUER ÜBER DEN WASSERN. Die hat mir der Manticor-Verlag frisch aus der Druckerei zuschicken lassen, damit ich neben der Popularität von LABYRINTH LORD auch den Umsatz des (noch) kleinen Frankfurter Labels maximiere.

Damit werde ich – wenn alles glatt läuft – als nächste Cons die BRAIN&DICE in Heidelberg beglücken (am 3.10.), dann die/das SiRoWE in Sinzig (am 6.+7.11.) und zuletzt die Dreieich Con bei Frankfurt (am 21.+22.11.) ansteuern und neben Labyrinth Lord Demo-Runden auch ein paar Exemplare von EW2 unter’s Volk bringen!

Das heißt, dass der Verkauf auf der BRAIN&DICE ziemlich exklusiv sein dürfte, bis dahin sollten selbst Vorbesteller ihre Exemplare wenn überhaupt dann erst kürzlich erhalten haben.

Ich nehme mir das Buch gleich mal vor und schaue, ob ich erfolgreicher bin als beim Versuch der Lösung von Teil 1…

Brave Halfling Publishing – LARM kommt in die Läden

Im Dezember soll es soweit sein – in diesem Thread der Goblinoid Games Foren erfahrt ihr die geplanten Veröffentlichungstermine und könnt euch schonmal die provisorischen Cover ansehen. Es geht doch nichts über eine „Corporate Identity“! Die Dinger werden definitiv in den Regalen der Rollenspielläden auffallen.

Zusammengefasst sind das dann:

BRV1001 – Larm (Accessory) DEZEMBER 2009
BRV1002 – Ruins of Ramat (Adventure) MÄRZ 2010
BRV1003 – The People of the Pit (Adventure) JUNI 2010
BRV1004 – The Forgotten Temple of Baalzebul (Adventure) SEPTEMBER 2010
Dazu kommen noch zwei Sammelbände aus der DELVING DEEPER Serie.

Meine anderen Abeneteuer wird es in absehbarer Zukunft als A5-Module direkt von der – gerade in Arbeit befindlichen – BHP Website zu kaufen geben. Ich muss wirklich nochmal betonen, dass ich es toll finde, dass John Adams sich doch wieder entschieden hat, Lab Lord zu unterstützen.